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Origins reborn

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  • The server is
    with 39/70 players online.

Server FAQ

To join a Minecraft server, open Minecraft, go to "Multiplayer," click "Add Server," enter the server's IP, and select "Join Server."

The server IP address is play.originsreborn.org with the port being 25565

Origins reborn is a minecraft server.

Please allow up to 5 minutes for you dynamic banner to be created.

Server details

Title Origins reborn
Players 39/70
Gamemodes EconomyNetworkPVEPVPRoleplayTownyCross-PlatformBedrock-supported
Website https://www.originsreborn.org
Versions 1.21.4-1.20.1
Bedrock Port:19132
Votes 7
Uptime 60%
Created 2025-01-05